Imagine millions of people letting go of a cherished belief simply because they're confronted with indisputable facts to the contrary. Well, ... I must say that even only 50 people able to incorporate reality into their world view isn't bad.
[Germany is] a country intoxicated with arrogant certainties.
- a public statement made while Silvani was Italian foreign minister, and presumably also before he learned that diplomacy was part of his job description
There are plenty of compelling arguments for a national, single-payer, universal access plan - like every developed industrialized country has one. But those arguments have so far seemed insufficient.
- from an article in the New York Times, 22 May 2005
Alright, look. I didn't want to say this, but I think maybe we're not seeing Heaven because one of us doesn't believe in it enough. Heaven could be like the Pixie Fairies of the Bubblegum Forest. You only see them if you really believe in them. Maybe we're not seeing Heaven because one of us is a J-O-O.