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It's so clean and bland. I'm home!
And then it was light out and I woke up and looked at our piece. I saw how wack it was. I took that as a sign that I don't have the talent or attention span for a job like that.
As I'm sure you are well-aware, we academics are fond of wedging ourselves into tight places.
- from The Ladykillers
Lemons don't go clubbing that often; being yellow citrus fruit, they have other interests.
All men are alike. They just have different faces so you can tell which one's yours and which one's mine.
- one woman's advice to another
Love the death ray. But love it carefully. It's a very delicate instrument.
I'm evil, and then things just fall into place.
- Gary, explaining his success in life
We fittin' to get butt-ass naked up in this bitch.
You see, it's just a game. That's why we call it the news.
Suspicion ain't proof.