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So, yeah, I am comparing the Georgia highway designers to Adolf Eichmann.
Americans need their space. Just ask the Indians.
Concatenation may be of German origin, and it is associative.
-- from p.62 of the first edition of his book Algebra
I gotta check for snakes.
-- putting on a show of examining a route before soloing it
I'd rather have a random world than a deterministic one, however benevolent.
If I had never thought about computer typesetting, I might have had a happier life in some ways.
Some have asserted that the cholera is a geological disease; that is, it is never manifested in districts of primitive formations, such as the granite districts of New England. This theory is founded on very strong facts.
I don't like macaroni. I don't like cheese. And I don't like hot dogs.
-- explaining why he doesn't like mac & cheese with little bits of hot dog in it
Why someone picked Idi Amin to be his hip-hop namesake is beyond me. It's like a klezmer band calling itself the Amazing Hitlers.
-- from Creative Loafing
What kind of wine do you serve with spam?